Trust me, I've been there and made it to the other side. It's Now your turn for breakthrough to crack your Sales Code!

Stuck at the start or unsure of the next step to grow your business?

I struggle to communicate what I do, how my services work, and land clients with Confidence, and it shows - Yikes!   

Why Is It So Hard To Get This Off The Ground? I'm Ready To Do What I Love, But I Need Clarity, Focus, And Not Sure Where To Start - Help!

I've Thrown A 1000 Darts At The Same Target, And It's Not A Bullseye! 

I'm Losing Time, Money, And Resources Without Seeing A Light At The End Of The Tunnel. Give Me a Breakthrough! 

If Someone Would Help Me With The Foundation, Tools, And Sales Systems To Get Me Going, I Know I Can Succeed! 

What's Holding Me Back In My Business? What am I Missing? I'm Overwhelmed, And it's Frustrating! 

God Created Me To Impact People's Lives; I Need Help Seeing That Vision And Plan Come To Life.     

Are you having these roadblocks?

To gain clarity on clients, build products + services to sell confidently in harmony with your own personalized design.  

Then this is for you

Get the tools, resources, Strategy and mentorship to build the business + lifestyle you Love!

Easy To Edit digital downloads, forms, templates, journals, and self-passed courses designed to save time and money to ignite your business success. These tools Accelerate your strategies with key professional business Foundation recourse without delay to serve your clients! 

Let go of overwhelm, and grab the tools you need to build, navigate and scale the business + lifestyle you crave!  

to transforming your Passion into a thriving sales ready business by...

Business Tools

Client, Business + Lifestyle

Clear Vision  


Sales System 

Framework for Products + Services

Land Clients with Confidence

This Exclusive 12-Week Business Mastermind takes the guesswork out of translating your coaching business into a revenue-generating powerhouse to build, and scale a thriving business.  Newbies will love this!

Our highly sought-after customized service annihilates personal limitations for a focused strategic approach to sales, business strategy and structure. We empower success by bridging the spiritual + practical for a direct path to confidently create, sell, and scale services to launch a highly profitable business.  not sure where to start?

choose your path




Discover these hands-on solutions that save you time and money to ignite your business success while accelerating your life to rise and shine in your business!

DIY TEMPLATES, downloads &  courses 

Our highly sought-after customized service annihilates personal limitations for a focused strategic approach. We empower success by bridging the spiritual + practical for a direct path to confidently create, sell, and scale services to launch a highly profitable business. 

This Exclusive 12-Week Business Mastermind takes the guesswork out of translating your coaching business into a revenue-generating powerhouse to build, and scale a thriving business. 



1:1 Business Sales Coach


Business Tools


- shannon truitt

Stop hitting your head against the wall trying to figure out everything as a newish coach, creative consultant type business and never really attracting the right client. Meanwhile you're losing time and money to well "hope" you can get this thing off the ground. Don't worry we've developed a perfect plan to clear the mess and get you into your business success! 

Get Clear, Build Confidence + Scale The Business That's Authentically You! 

Killing Your Sales + Coaching Business 

It's on it's Way
thank you!

5 Deadly Mistakes