
I help Coaches + Consultants crack their Sales Code to live life on their terms!

Ready to sell?

If you've made it here, you're most likely ready to take the next steps in building a profitable business with a system that sells like hotcakes and developing the confidence to land new clients.

You may be a new entrepreneur, creative business, coach, or consultant-type looking to add a side business or even drop the 9 to 5.  Unfortunately, monetizing what you love doing while living the lifestyle you crave is not always the easiest transition. But don't worry, you've come to the right place!

As Sales Trainer, Business Strategies + Lifestyle Coach at Rock Solid Coaching, I help you get sales-ready to land the clients you love in building your business. By giving you the tools, preparation, and mentorship to create a solid business foundation with systems and strategy to land clients with ease. At the same time, keep your focus on the proper steps at your level and side-step common pitfalls by creating an authentic business and framework to sell + scale with confidence! 

Let's bridge the next step in getting you sales-ready without losing time and money to start onboarding clients today! 

choose your path

Gretchen Bratt 

Go From Stress-Out Mess To Coaching Business Success!

We’ll Get Clear On Your Clients,  
Build Signature Services & Products 
To Sell + Scale With Confidence!

Sales Coach + Business Strategies

Learn how we can partner together to build your success  

 You Bring the Talent...

ohh, tell me more....

Discover these hands-on solutions that save you time and money to ignite your business success while accelerating your life to rise and shine in your business!

downloads & courses 

Our highly sought-after customized service annihilates personal limitations for a focused strategic approach. We empower success by bridging the spiritual + practical for a direct path to confidently create, sell, and scale services to launch a highly profitable business. 

1:1 Business sales coach 

This Exclusive 12-Week Business Mastermind takes the guesswork of translating your coaching business into a revenue-generating powerhouse to build and scale a thriving business. 




Success Toolbox


get started on the right path to save yourself the headaches, and money when building your new business!

killing Your Sales + Coaching Business 

5 Deadly Mistakes 

  Join other business leaders, on a mission to turn their vision into reality!

more results

Gretchen helped me get unstuck in reaching professional, spiritual, and career goals with what was holding me back from genuinely gaining freedom to go after what I wanted in life. I was able to reach my goals so much faster by working with Gretchen than I could have done on my own.

“You will get so much out of this by being open, honest, and flexible - It is well worth it!”

Aulbrey Navarro

I highly recommend working with Gretchen - it’s well worth it! 

more results

As I embarked on this new adventure, Gretchen helped me structure a system to sell services confidently as a new coach and consultant. Defining the structure was vital to everything, and I was pleasantly was surprised at how fast it aligned for all areas of my business.  

“I would recommend Gretchen to anyone who wants to run their business with a Divine Plan!”

Carrie Deckert 

"Breakthrough - I landed my first coaching client at double the amount than expected!" 

more results

She is a powerhouse of passion, professional experience, but probably most important, a conviction that God has big plans for each person. And it's your privilege but also responsibility to walk in that.

It's true! She will be able to guide you towards God's calling and have practical steps and tailored guidance for you based on her extensive sales background. I feel truly lucky to have her in my life!" 

"Gretchen is one of a kind!  I'm so grateful God brought her into my life--she saw things in me that I didn't see in myself." 

Bella Rose

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Gretchen's unique coaching paired with a history in the business world that allows her to help people identify goals and execute easily while caring for their hearts deeply along the journey is a gift. She did this for me! She challenged me to think out of the box when it came to my creativity and unlock the freedom to dream big without any restraints. 

“You will only see results when you book with her!" 

kelly bell

She helped Identify obstacles getting in the way of my dreams, that empowered me to go after what God has put in my heart, while also celebrating who he created me to be! 

more results

Gretchen is a joy to work with! Her ability to track with me during our coaching sessions, discernment, and wise questions have brought me such breakthroughs and a greater understanding of my current life situation. In addition, Gretchen has such compassion and is intentional in her coaching that she makes a client feel safe and open to God's leading.

“ I highly recommend Gretchen as a coach if you are ready and willing to make growth changes in your business or personal life.”

sandra Kopania

more results

her sharp intuitive nature and intelligence has been such a gift during moments when I needed outside perspective and guidance. Through it, I have experienced breakthroughs, self-discovery, affirmed faith and elevated glimpses of spiritual insight. This clarity she has, paired with her ability to identify steps (a method) that can be applied towards the goal, make the experience of “partnering” in a coaching setting as the most important investment for growth.

“I’ve had the privilege of calling on Gretchen for many seasons of my life and career, and the growth I’ve experienced has truly felt irreplaceable”

Carmen Hagevoort

Moments like these are truly one-in-a-million chances.  

Gretchen is so anointed in her work and helped me identify how God leads and speaks over my life. At the same time, being a complete advocate for your individual relationship and direct connection with God. As a result, I can now move forward to align my business confidently. 

“You Absolutely will not regret working with Gretchen in how God is leading your life!”

Eli Aggor 

I highly recommend working with Gretchen! 

Our results Page

because Your worth it

Stop hitting your head against the wall trying to figure out everything as a new coach, and never really attracting the right client.  Meanwhile you're losing time and money to well "hope" you can get this thing off the ground.  Don't worry we've developed a perfect plan to clear the mess and get you into success!  

Get Clear, Build Confidence + Scale the Business that's Authentically You!   

Killing Your Sales + Coaching Business 

It's on it's Way
thank you!

5 Deadly Mistakes